Why has a payment been unsuccessful or failed?

Payments can fail for a number of reasons, the most common being:
  • Incorrect account/card details provided;
  • the account provided does not permit direct debit payments;
  • the card provided has expired;
  • insufficient funds; or

your payment provider has blocked transactions on your chosen payment method.


To view the reason for one of your members payments failing, from your dashboard select 'Current Memberships':


You can now search a membership or your customers name. When you find the member you are looking for click the membership name next to their name, as per below 'LED Membership'


The below page will now load and to the left you want to select 'Transaction List'

You can now see the history of all the transactions made and attempted for this membership. To the right 'Response' you can see the direct response from there payment provider as to whether the debit was successful or the reason it was unsuccessful.